Two boards, a suitcase, a backpack, two children and a destination: Mexico! A look back in pictures on this family journey.

Hi Dorothy.
Can you introduce yourself in a few words to your little family?
Seb was born in Australia, in Sydney! He grew up near the ocean and spent his childhood in the water! He then migrated to the magical waves of the Gold Coast before arriving in Hossegor 10 years ago (Ouch)! We met at that time, I had just arrived in the region after traveling for a year in Australia (and yeah)...and one marriage and two babies later we are still here :)
We have 2 boys, Angus who is 4 years old and Alistaire who is 1 year old (celebrated in Mexico!)
What does surfing mean to you?
Surfing is our passion, a way to escape, to recharge your batteries, to let off steam... it's a reason to travel, to discover... More than surfing, it's the love of the ocean that drives us and the fact that we share it all together is magical!
And to your children, what do you want to pass on to them through this discipline?
The love of nature, the ocean, the taste for travel, the thirst for freedom, sharing, perseverance...but also the importance of protecting our planet!
How long have you and Seb been surfing?
I started surfing in Australia a little over 10 years ago... since then I haven't stopped trying to go nose...🤣
Seb was born in the ocean, he bodysurfed before learning to swim and took up surfing as a teenager!
What would you do if your children don't want to surf? How will you take it? ;D
It's certain that sharing sessions with family makes us dream... but we also know that surfing is both of our passion... we pass on the basics to them and we will adapt to their desires without pressure...
What does travel bring you? And those with family? Why is this so important to you?
A feeling of freedom, of savoring every moment with our little clan that we have created. These trips allow us to take time for each other without worrying about a daily life that is often too busy. And above all, a feeling of strengthening the bonds that unite us, of loving each other even more, of laughing, of discovering.
When we had the children we promised ourselves that we would make these little men curious beings! Travel allows us to transmit curiosity to them :)
Flashbacks on their journey to Mexico, on the Pacific Coast.
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